Ukraine has banned the Telegram messaging app on official devices used by government officials, military personnel, and critical workers due to concerns about Russian spying. Russian forces launched strikes in Kharkiv, injuring multiple people, while other strikes in different regions also resulted in casualties. The EU announced plans to lend Ukraine €35bn backed by frozen Russian assets to help the country during its third winter of war with Russia. President Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine’s “victory plan” against Russia involves using EU loans for air defense, energy, and weapon purchases. The US is preparing a $375m military aid package for Ukraine, while Norway will increase civilian aid to Ukraine by 5bn kroner. In a rare move, Russia charged four soldiers with torturing and killing a US citizen living in Russian-held Donetsk. The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in eastern Ukraine accused Ukrainian forces of launching a drone attack, damaging a transformer and posing a threat to the plant. Nato concluded an anti-drone exercise with Ukraine participating for the first time, seeking to learn from the use of unmanned systems in the war.
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