Friday, February 14, 2025

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Report: Over 33% of tree species face extinction risk, warns new study | Environmental News

A recent report published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species has revealed that more than one in three tree species are at risk of extinction worldwide, with over 16,000 species facing this threat. The report assessed over 47,000 species, out of an estimated 58,000 worldwide, and highlighted the main factors contributing to the risk of extinction, such as logging, land clearing for agriculture, and climate change.

According to the report, trees are crucial for ecosystems and human livelihoods, with over 5,000 species used for construction timber and more than 2,000 for medicines, food, and fuels. Some well-known species at risk include the horse chestnut, ginkgo, and big leaf mahogany. The report also emphasized the urgency in protecting tree species as their extinction rate is higher than that of other threatened animal species.

The report noted that tree species are at risk of extinction in 192 countries, particularly on islands due to rapid urban development and agriculture expansion. In South America, home to the Amazon jungle, over 3,300 out of 13,600 assessed tree species are at risk. The IUCN has called for forest protection, restoration, and the conservation of endangered tree species through seed banks and botanic gardens.

The publication of this report coincides with the United Nations COP16 summit on biodiversity, where experts are discussing the need for increased funding to halt nature loss and meet climate goals. The IUCN Director-General emphasized the importance of trees in supporting life on Earth and called for urgent action to conserve tree species for future generations.

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